New Music Lives

I'll just briefly welcome myself back to the inter-blogging cosmos after a quick break from August and through till October. None the less theses two months haven't exactly been a quiet affair. With the sudden hangover dazed months months of September and October, we all start to wake up to a festival free season, unbearable? The answer-inevitably no. Announcing tours as quick as I yawned at T in the Park and the underground scene of each and every genre refuelling to ram themselves snugly into some cozy gigs, the all important radar for this season into the  next annum has already started. 

And as it's's first ever anniversary, I give you the most awesome playlist that's been in blogger-sphere for a long, long time! ( think all the way back to that post about Winter Tours of 2013) 

-Please remember you'll find a great selection of these tracks on my monthly New Music Radio Show, on demand here---

Night Beats-'Ain't Dumbo'

I must start this by heavily indulging in the tearing solo that truly shoves this track into the badass perimeter. Inherently it has west coast all over it, so when the garage thrashing Seattle group come on the title it isn't exactly a surprise. Hearing it on a more psychedelic mix as well, I initially thought that the vocals were originally female. Not that it matters. Danny-Lee Blackwell's whining echoes float and thrust out at every correct moment to be found on the  other immense, 'Outta Mind'. Using speech snippets in-between all the drama ignites their work to be bending over backwards into your ears. Not bad. (if you wonder wonder they made my radio show a few weeks back)  Catch two of their previous albums, Sonic Bloom (2013) and self titled in 2011-it makes me shameful to have left it this long. 


Scandinavian punk, I do say, has been missing in my life for a fair few months. However back after 10 years in the raucous Meine Kliene Deutsche,Body have now been signed by PNKSLM with their intoxicating new track 'Dingo' , which has relentlessly restored the past grungy angst amongst the vitalising distorted fuzz and chrushedo of drums. It all pairs up viscously well with Mia Johanasons ozzingly perfect whines. Forth member of the band, Charlotta Paulin jumped straight into the band at first sight. Within all the dark and devious punk, Body have all the momentum to knock out some new tunes this fall. 


It's one of the two raw and rugged bands I've sourced from Malta, another emerging scene upcoming? A full on thrust of indie-punk struts its way through each grimy hook and wail of tracks, ' Try Too Hard' and 'Shrug'. Already by the intro of the two you can imagine a splendid chaos seeping out of each gig goers adrenaline. It is truly amazing to catch a glimpse of the immensely impressive work pumping out of Clandestines throats, shouty and enlightening to see under the hard grit of what's really going on- sweat and anarchy. 

Bodhi vs George The Poet- 'My City'

Heading over a bit closer to home, a rare taste of blubby influences to stir elegantly into the delicate yet punctual words of the North West Londoner draw you straight into the fuss and fundamentals of 'blighty' whether you want it or not. Thankfully Radio 1 picked up on this adding it to their usual 10-ish pm shows allowing this track to identify the melting pot of urbanisation we're sat in. Whilst George signals,' But there's a difference between having a front row seat and watching from the sidelines.' of course, this is a marvelling sight for anyone witnessing the pain or gain situation of London. His side more over 'we've got beef blocks, violet gangs, awkward interactions.' Could be a new 'mainstream' for political rap, conjured alongside the welsh duo for the ambient twist to place each beat and blub in the most dynamic puzzle. If in luck, head to Primrose Hill on a glistening autumn evening to mindfuly agree that a city 'has a lot of faces.'

Beach Day-'All My Friends Were Punks'

This is the sort of track that no  matter what age you are, or journey you're on, you will look finely cool having this on your playlist. Kimmy's vocals slur over the opening 'all my friends were punks and we were sailing' in a such a Califonicated hazy coast mix that you wonder why they're not playing in your garage right this second. I recentely sourced this from the 'non-violent femmes' compilation record featuring the likes of Joanna Gruesome. These guys aren't quite as stuffed into your eardums but more ringing out the long gone headbanging back into your skull in a witty and unignorable arty format. Not to say the hazy riff of 'Dracula's Daughter' isn't as bitter. Perhaps the rise of rock duo's in all forms is unstoppable. 

Arca- 'Thievery'

The information on Arca is very limited, except for he is Venezuelan and by the name of Alejandro Ghersi. But in a way this truly enhances the listening of most hyped discovery 'Thievery'. Alike Eyedress, all the entirety of this track focus's itself to be full of mass synth echoes and everything climatic to reach a real state of ambient techy experiments. Small snipers of vocals are used but Arca doesn't give to much away in the sense that you'll be crawling deeper for his work. Other titles such as 'Visionist' does exactly as it says, it is obvious that this artist is attempting to see the world as a completely more mysterious, stuttery and beautiful illusion. 

Superfood-Mood Bomb'

Whenever clicking onto Superfood's soundcloud, the simple hashtag of 'alternative' at the end of each song they put up just isn't enough to capture their vaguely swept over craziness that despite mainstream magazines such as NME featuring them, don't seem to state enough about their abnormality to the rock scene. It is true in saying that 'mood Bomb' compared to the kaleidoscopic ecstasy  of 'TV' isn't quite as heavy on, but falls over a more melodic brush against Dom Ganderton's narcotic filled vocals. Despite the fact they have a debut album out in a matter of weeks, this makes me very excited indeed.

Cat Cake

Maltese rockers Cat Cake are as fresh as you could want that Mediterranean sunshine here in the UK. 'No Guts' is the single track on their sound cloud that requires multitudinous listens. It starts of with a bouncy hook then to lead on into a scuzzy fuck-all attitude, 'I really don't know what to do/sometimes I really hate my guts." is like a post teen moan in all its caless glory. According to Happyness's Ash Cooper they're intending to come over to the UK asap, with just the 3 venues in Malta it's easy to guess why. I find 'Experimental Jam' even more elegant, tubing in and over melodic amp reverb and anti-climaxes to twang into a next chapter of fruitful noise. Intricate to full on rock.

Magic Wands

Having dissevered the immense solo project of Dexy Valentine that is Bonfire Beach, I soon delved into her past work with relative Chris I was brought into the same euphoria that makes these guys special. It's the expected LA experimentalism that so many fall for except even their earliest work of 'Teenage Love' mixes all the sticky self indulgence that is instantly more-ish. 2012's 'Aloha Love' turns out to be a forgot treat that the rest of us really ought to jump in our 76 grand prix and let loose for. Dexy is capable of floating over each twist and turn of Magic Wands's anatomy. A project alike Bonfire beach that is bound to go viral.
