The Obsession of Ambiance.

Through the last few weeks, I've perhaps had a whole array of new albums and atmospheres. But one (if you could call it) category has stood out like a sore thumb to me over the course of February, and that it the music of ambiance. When I say this, don't lead down a tangent of Parisian Bistro buffers and harmonicas, oh no. What I mean by ambiance is a whole fresh sounding complexion of the unexpected. Whether you could relate that to mystical synths, or sunset strums, whatever. The new lead of a surrealist surrounding has left a refreshingly and revolutionary twist on this months trend.

Sylvan Esso

Before this morning on a bus journey, I had never actually heard of this young chic and her company. Just proves the unexpected is really that evolutionary. Supposing you could find this atmospheric is a definite, perhaps in a more enlightening sense too. It opens with a peculiar, delicate throb to open glitchy single, 'Coffee' , however once more baby chimes 
and lively synths are involved with the combination of Sylvan's truly floating yet blunt vocals it makes a rarity of a song with the gloat of 'I know my words will dry upon the skin/just like a name I remember hearing/wild winters/cold coffee'. You could imagine it on an urban yellow cab/subway commute, the refrains of 'get up get down' have a slight influence of RnB for sure. But it's far too delicate. The reminiscence of a wind chime into quieter sections aswell as male vocals winds straight into what is a boundary breaker for the two. 'Hey Miami' starts again with the weary vocals on repeat, it's more electronic in some parts and soulful yet being another niche into what Sylvan Esso desire to dive into. Something from their irrefutably addictive senses tells me that they're another one to watch from the back alleys  of New York.

Twin Caverns

A flowing creation of buzzing background riffs and strong vocals. Many relate Twin Caverns to James Blake, it's quite obvious with the constant refrain of peaking melodies as vocalist Louise Miller dubs " Could I undiscover you?" ( 'Undiscover) in essence to hoping that the unforgettable can be forgotten. A resemblance once again to the xx? it's hard to steer from them in the home of atmospheric assonance but I'd say perhaps along the lines of London Grammar is more appropriate-all in perfection is the similarity you can see. Yet it seems even more stylish and slick. Especially inside of 'Swell' which involves a spectacle solo and curves around Winehouse like winds throughout. The composition of Twin Caverns stands out significantly, it's a contradiction to any structure in this list and out on any scene around, their recent rework of Bon Iver has been well critiqued over the blogging network, so Twin Caverns here's another thumbs up for 2014. 


A group of 3 siblings from the ring of Montreal and Vancouver wouldn't suggest to show up a vivid whir wind of dark, hypnotic electrical music. I've recently reviewed their most recent, 'Kalaboogie' and it is one hell of whizz gone wizard of a wonder. Even earbuddy put my suggested favourite, 'disremember/disremeberment on their sort of hot track list. So into the guts of their music. Really, it's a complete pitter patter of ecstasy influxed waves. I found myself picking up every hoot, wail, twang etc of just what Doomsquad ring out of their worldy anthems. Alike many sorts of this vibe ( although I can't name too many) it can get a little high on the hallucinogenics with some tracks, but it's probably suspected for such a diverse disillusion of music. On both sides of the album, 'Kalaboogie' you will pick up on tracks which lead into a whole new vision of beautified, airy vocals and sunset synths or rather the tracks that take you to the extreme such to the likes of 'waka waka' . One reason to like this album is that personally, it's hard to find such a journeying joyride for what was to me, a very surreal perspective. 



Although I did say at the mention of ambiance, not to image French cobbled terraces with accordions ringing out, Anthems do indeed beckon from the streets of Paris. As obvious, their music is on a far more modern take. Up in Mine' whistles its way through discrete riffs and pipe like synths with the introduction of choir acoustics into the mix. It can go a bit up the wall with the hectic main chorus of hobbit land gone bizarre electronica vibe but at the very least this track meanders through a genius construction with a heavier bass influence too. Apart from the Parisian sense, Anthems are fairly unknown on the web; the band is made up of the group Champions League and the vocalist of 'Up in Mine' originating from England, it makes a enhancing collaboration.


London based duo, Warmth find themselves mistakenly only having one record on their soundcloud account to my despair, anyway it's worth the limitation for this song. 'King of Calm' completely matches its title. It flows pacy in and out of bouncy wobbles and scales and could be counted to be possibly part psychedelic and floaty house. Being under the impression that the song stays mostly light is false, it brings in a slight heavier section of thuddy bass yet something sounds strangely dreamy about it. Even if Warmth are only of to this one track it's a spectated start. 

Be Forest

To be honest, Have you deepened any thought into the Italian music scene unless Opera was on your mind? No well this will certainly change. Especially if you're into The xx tantalising twang vibe. Being discovered whilst reviewing too, new self titled album is a must to dive into. Take tunes such as 'Colours', it follows the beautified festival ringing resurrection that is purely a pleasure that bursts out of winter. Think along the lines of 'Night time' ( for the xx fans) it's not quite as blunt but more of an elegant whir and fantasy. The starting riff of 'Captured Heart' brings in an awakening sort of ceremonial touch of summer, although being a warm album perhaps releasing it in the opposite season has a great reaction on its listeners. Of course they would suit some sort of Worthy Farm revival. Even album opener 'Totem' carries the appropriately anthemic ring that many alike bands would follow. But somehow Be Forest manage to dissect into some unique universe of their own, one which is sure to flourish past the olive orchards of Italy. 


Another duo, Brooklyn based who have produced a pro sounding record of 'Got me goin'. With sweetened glazed vocals contrasted with every lolled synthesiser you can picture it puts on any sunset gone skyscraper scene you could wish of. Being made up of Katie and Ben Marshall it sounds far too natural to purposely get lost in this track, it just inevitably happens. 'Skeleton ( Paperwhite Remix) is presumably just another take on their own record. It still peruses through effortless melodies and a real harmonic bliss. Maybe an EP any time soon? 'Got me goin' it certainly has. 
