November Nudging On 2014.

Considering this is effectively the last somewhat sane month of 2013, I include December to be off on a whole new scale all dependent on unfortunately who will be Christmas number 1. But fear not,  if like me you couldn't care less about Micheal Buble jingling away on your mums forever repeating stereo, the aspects of late November will indefinitely leave a strong ember burning straight through December and shine on to the year of new hope, 2014.
To say the least November has been a pretty hectic month for me alone, opening the month with straight in your face screaming psychedelics of Deap Vally- a overwhelming triumph of 2013 plus newly discovered talents of Skaters but even more so Howl. It's easy to guess that bands aren't keeping it quite this winter. I can't tell you how many gigs around Bristol I'm having to miss in regret, but the show must carry on, however not just on a live front for me. A sudden burst of raw gnarly talent is oozing on both sides of the globe once again, just to keep your pallet satisfied for the remainder of the year and lead you on a clean run into the next one.

The month in music has been interesting, probably the most publicized of which was  Lady Gaga's 'Artpop' somewhat debatable as to a new direction or any signs of diverse 'art' in terms of music, but still the fame monster seems to be going strong. But really could the camp singalong of 'Applause' compare to the stiletto stomping anthem of 'Poker Face' or pop phenomenon of 'Bad Romance'? David Bowie also acclaimed a wide reception with 'The Next Day' proving to be a innovative  masterpiece. Entirely based on a revolutionary wave of songcraft, he's the whole new returned 'Starman' of 2013. 
Meanwhile, Green Day have announced a well deserved break despite lead up to quadruple in the series 'Quartro' .And after how long after being on the NME cover? Pixies's new bassist has already quit ( again) stating to be 'disappointed' at the decision, what goes around comes around.

But forget the antics of pop culture or the uncaring odds of Kanye West being best man at his wedding. That was just a pinprick of what's been going on this November and pretty boring too compared to the raw, gritty talent that's being discovered on a daily basis.


The type of anger you'd expect of 'Territorial Pissings' yes because Darlia are in rage. But no worries, black metal, thrash metal or whatever is not what I mean by rage. Easier than you think, just think grunge early Nirvana D.I.Y mix. Being based in Manchester/Blackpool the trio embark on a tour this December and January, they're even embarking closer to home for me, which makes an unmissable gig after listening to their EP of 'Knock Knock' tracks such as 'Queen of Hearts' leap out as a turmoil of misfortunes love but an epic thrall of mood swings from adoration to rancid remorse. 
Followed by 'Napalm', a shouty riff rammed, grunge paradise, probably what you may just about hear on some late night radio show, ( knowing Radio 1's playlist it would be a rare fortune) but never the less, the groans of the chorus followed by Kurt like whines in each verse spits out raw left, right and center. The final track is 'Choke On Bones' being the more blunt out of the three throughout bitter solos it defines Dalia's tracks to all be diverse to eachother. The trap often so many grunge bands fall into is a same constant whiny vibe but it's hard to find any reason for Darlia to set a dim dismissal on their music, they spit it out with harsh , genuine talent.


Ok, lets turn off the grungy vibes, but keep the low mood  increasing as you slip into the world of Eyedress. An Indonesian synthed up artist, think London Grammar but even calmer and subdued to the point of inevitably floating into electro pop/dance during 'Everything We Touch Turns Into Gold' and the widely acclaimed 'Nature Trips' something you'd be used to hearing on a televised discovery channel as the atmospheric backing tune. This almost exactly defines his musics take on an individual alone, like a vast fazed out journey into the unknown and what Eyedress himself has discovered. But, it's not to the extent of getting lost, oh no, Eyedress doesn't dwell on this too long, 'No Competition' faces a sharper dubstep take whilst still being intellectually satisfying. Describing dreams in a melodic, endless but senseful nature. It seems that Eyedress has seen and will see the overwhelmed vision of his music yet to embark on a mass journey,


Yeah a sarcastically pitiful name for Bambi, they somewhat have a close distinction between the catchy hooks of Two Door Cinema Club and Peace. An intricate take of alternative guitar picking and faded vocals, with tunes such as 'All Along' it yearns to be played out on a sunny midge filled festival sunset. The kind of atmosphere many will be wanting this winter and the approaching spring of next year. Check out their new track 'Reep From The Dying Love'

Potty Mouth
 Yep, Iv'e talked about them before, being including in Global Music Scenes with in the Boston radar highlighted them as one to watch but this time it's necessary to put them in the lead up onto the run into 2014. Something identifies them as being so informally crushed mix of stripped back punk. I'm also in a small struggle to find any upcoming punk bands that stand out as much as Potty Mouth, (of course Savages but more a  breakthrough for 2014) It could be called a desperate measure to get these guys the hell outta Boston and on a tour! Don't fall back behind the game, go listen to their debut 'Hell Bent' . Potty mouth tunes-click here

Fresh punk fury kicking in from Kansas bound, Missouri. Three guys not dissimilar to an american duo I witnessed at the John Peel Tent ( Glastonbury) The Bots. Opener, 'Start Freaking Out' sets the mood, one yell of pissy rage infectious on other tracks such as 'Little Man' on their debut 'Devil Fruit' E.P. It's fast paced, thrash filled slagging off attitude, something of which seems to be welcomed from a more remote part of the states. 'Overwhelmed' is a bitter but wonderful yell of a more grungier direction, Kurt I hear you calling once more. Full of self doubt and fear, it's the opposite of what the reception receives. ' Romance Dawn' however is a generous hint to claim its not all fierce but yet cries a deep throttle of punk into your ears, with the added constant thump of the drums. Iv'e said it once, Radkey's phenomenon oozes a screaming infection of short sharp punk palpitation.    
Radkey tunes-click here

Ming City Rockers

More the guitars of new wave trad. rock but contrasted with what reminisces the vocals of LA  skate punk FIDLAR, picked up in 'She's a Wrong'un' plus the Scratchy vocals accompanied by even a harmonica in 'I Wanna Get Out Of Here But I Get Out Of Here' are addictive in listening. After first hearing them on Greg James's playlist way back this year I recently heard about them turning up at a recent Palma Violets house party, drawing my attention once again to them. On SoundCloud also in the past two weeks two extra tracks have been added to their new playlist, both played at ground breaking speed including the frustratingly wingey 'Crossroads' yet still proves to be at a supreme level of speed, stamina and full-strut rock.
*Pick of November
