Best Live Gigs of 2013.

We've recently seen my selection of the top 10 albums this year, however you still can not forget the sensational storm of artists who been causing a stir at this year's festivals and tantalizing tours. Being at Glastonbury Festival for the Sunday Bristol Trinity Center recently I've witnessed 13 gigs this year ( #one I hope to improve on next year) so here's just a broad selection of bands who changed my passion for music this year.

-Bristol Trinity Center-November 2nd 2013
Rocking it up at Trintiy

Yes, I have for definite wrote about the Welsh threesome once already, but there is every reason for them  to be recognized as an emerging live talent. Around 200 of us (max) had just arrived at 7.30 and bearing in mind, myself amoungst others had no idea that there was going to be an added support act to the list. I can compare this band to have the rawest energy going for them,the 
lead singer was practically bouncing of the walls as he strutted around whilst whining into the mic, followed by him tipping over his amp in complete stoked out style. The back up of a complete dude bassist and support vocals from the drummer itched every single, shameless drop of sweat onto the audience, you could tell right till the last second Howl were so overwhelmed to be in their position of supporting Deap Vally. Rightly so, tracks like 'Marla' had me thrown over the stage just to catch the tiniest glimpse of the sellotaped setlist. More importantly we could of been the first few dozen of people to experience the most intense smashing of a tiny support slot, one which completely showed up headlining support of Skaters. I may not ever see them live again, but who knows, they may just be at the other end of the act list given a truly promising 2014.

5.The Bots
-John Peel Stage-Glastonbury Festival 2013
Dat afro..

An extremely tricky set to lead, first act on stage of the last day of the festival by which time around 12pm most were still lolling around their tents. But unknowing of the crowd I thought it would best be early to get a front standing for Deap Vally an hour and a half later. I was already late for their set but then again I hadn't come across the two LA brothers before. It wasn't a mass turnout of course but those who were there, the Bots really managed to vibrate the headbanging over the barrier and into the crowd. 'Northern Lights' being the main tune of fanatical ferocity. If you're at some festival and happen to see them on a line up somewhere early get of your ass and get in the crowd, you'll be proved that yet again duo's can own festivals facedown.

4.Of Monsters and Men
-The Other Stage- Glastonbury Festival 2013
Nanna Bryndis of OMAM

With the release of their debut in 2012, 'My Head Is An Animal'  Icelandic alt/folk has certainly been a niche in the market for the band. It was around six o'clock and the sun was slowly beginning its decent after the ravenous set of Public Image Limited, the crowd was extremely decent but comfortable enough to spread your feet a few centimetres. Of Monsters and Men graced the stage with the opener of first on the album, 'Dirty Paws'. However, OMAN have what could be known as the perfect sunset, airy vibe on a Sunday afternoon. The instinctively Icelandic shouts and yells found in a majority of their songs made the audience almost sing along whether involuntary or not. More successful hits such as 'Mountain Sound' and 'Little Talks' saw the most action within their slot with an added trumpet solo, its clear that OMAM throw every string, hoot and strum into their music Although the absolute highlight was 'From Finner' giving a more reminiscent imagery of a Parisian evening sitting outside a Bistro with a Cigar, it climaxes into a thumping beat of drums whilst shouting 'Hey,hey,hey!'. One of the most collaborative gigs let alone in Glastonbury's history.

3.The Smashing Pumpkins
-The Other Stage-Glastonbury Festival 2013.

My Journey to the Pumpkins...
So, having come back from the dance village I guess it was around 8.30 when I joined the scrum to fight for the front row awaiting the xx, distantly hearing the Pumpkins earlier on in their set they played tunes from their newest album 'Oceania' (2011) which still proved to go down with grace, however I happened to join at the front just in time, even before I could comprehend the shear ferocity of Billy Corgan and co, the band were setting the crowd alight with their long famous recklessness for all time hit, 'Bullet With Butterfly Wings'. I'd made it to the far right side not too far back and everyone by this time was mad. As Corgan screeched into to mic 'Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in the cage!' followed by the anthemic riff of bassist Nicole Fiorentino equipped with suspenders,moodily swaying.  'Tonight Tonight' and was the loudest singalong I heard all day. No one could keep in a sharp dose of insane head thrashing and even a slight hint of a smile from the band crossed through Corgan's lips into the climax of the chorus. Despite years of rows, replacements and rants, you could see the band were immensely overwhelmed to the point of reality where actually they have been and still are a global phenomenon, whether they want it or not. My guess-they'll never do Glastonbury again but I can say that this 2013 I witnessed the most ravenous and rare gig in a long time, another 80,000 people probably agree with me, before they call it quits-again.

 2. Deap Vally
John Peel Stage-Glastonbury Festival 2013 and Bristol Trinity
All lights blazing
Front Row at Trinity

One of the most starbound bands of the year, but discovering them live made it that more brutally badass. Ok, 2.30pm some hippy who's birthday we had to sing for had pissed of the stage and on march Deap Vally. Being that their album 'Sistrionix' was being released the day after, the two made sure Glastonbury got a full dosage of teasingly toxic rock. 'End of the World' was opening and being released previously as a single went down as a sharp slap in the face for anyone who may of walked into the wrong tent. It was at the end of 'Ain't fair' that I couldn't hold in enough love for the band so yelled as any fangirl would and got a reply from Lindsey ('Love you too!') then for the rest of the set it was a full blast of spitting riffs and smashed beats before the sweatiest, pumped up crowd surf during closer 'Baby I Call Hell' in which Lindsey happened to fall in straight next to me and give me a full Cali bear hug before sprinting back on stage. Come September I was straight onto the ticket sales for their UK Winter Tour.
Julie smashing it up
Compared to Glastonbury though, Trinity was a far more raw, gritty and obviously intimate setting, no barriers, nothing. The crowd too, 10x better. (Perhaps headbanging on a Sunday was just too tiring for hippy hooligans out the night before)  Trinity proved exactly the opposite, tracks such as 'Bad for my Body' and 'Walk of Shame' were literally an epic squeeze for survival in the front row but were the indefinite highlights of the gig. Followed by more crowd surfing, hugs and signatures  it was the loudest, most adrenaline junkie filled gigs of the year. These chics know how to do it.

Scrum after yell after thrown beers I managed to reach my most overwhelming gig of the year, at n.o 1 for 2013 is.....

1. The xx
The Other Stage- Glastonbury Festival 2013.
How low can Ollie go?

It was the last act that I was about to witness at Glastonbury. After two spectacular albums, 'The xx' and 'Coexist' it was a huge turn out two great the three. I managed to get to the second row, but with the capacity of fans I could barely see how near I was to the barrier. Opener 'Try' started with a mass swirl of white lights, each one beaming through clumped clouds of mist and out emerged the all in black, Romy (lead/vocals) Ollie ( Bassist/vocals) and in the back mastermind DJ Jamie xx. It was interesting seeing the band so well choreographed together in sync with Jamie's added twists. It was almost surreal to watch 'Night Time' as the lights created beams of artificially manoeuvring clouds casting above, bass drops, added synths and just about every song had a whizz of new affects which was like South London dub gone Ibiza house thud.
Making clouds over the crowd
The echoing tunes of Romy thumped throughout the arena into distant hills bouncing straight back to ring out the classic riffs of 'Crystalised' and 'VCR' it was mass singing from the crowd. During 'Islands' directly behind me a flare lit up the vibe before being extinguished red light contrasted to create a spectrum of  beams onto the stage. However during the double song which so many seem to miss whilst listening 'Coexist'; ' Reunion' followed by 'Sunset' is a superbly crafted set of Ollie's low bass and reverbs-indefinitely the highlight. For the whole set the xx actually look over joyed whilst playing, being their first time headlining The Other Stage it's a lead up into a stunning sequel for 2014. As the set comes near to an end the instantly, unmistakable twang of 'into' rings into the crowd, extending it into a brief solo riff of 'Tides' they race through the track with Romy hinting a huge smile only to finish with the stunning closer of 'Angels' it results in everyone including myself yelling and pointing the chorus straight back to Romy 'Being as in love with you as I am' it ended on a beautifully delicate note only proposing what next year brings for the xx. After a crowd photo from Ollie ( haven't spotted myself yet) I departed in the knowing that Jamie, Romy and Ollie, who were three moody teenagers from South London are now evidently some of the most diversely talented artists out there.

-No doubt has this year been great for live music, lets just hope that 2014 can be a shockingly surprising and epically atmospheric as the last. To all of you who've read my blog this year or simply love fresh, gritty music like me thank you and...Happy New Year! 
