I met up outside 30 minutes early with some other full on fan girls..and guys including famous Bristol blogger Geoffrey Johnson, proving tonight was going to draw in the critics, even he and practically the whole queue joined in with fan gossip. But, an old church?! Hmmm seems unlikely for the immense thrashing I experienced last night but least to say, once inside Trinity the vibe is all turned onto the first supporting act, a Welsh trio named appropriately Howl. It was a great surprise knowing we had Howl to headbang too aswell, and rightly so. I've never encountered such a humorous, raw presence to a band who practically didn't even make the advertisement poster for the gig outside, the crowd was
Howl frontman rockin it.
decent enough and really started to pick up during the heavier stuff. The lead singer, equipped with stripy jeggings struts around the stage against Howl's bassist whilst yelling ferocity into the mic on tracks such as 'Sinking Gold' . Equipped with vocals from the drummer too 'Marla' got the crowd intense. In result, the atmosphere was pretty tough to match up too, one which Skaters came a bit short off.

However, the  New York punks increased the ferocity leading up to Deap Vally, 'I Wanna Dance' was my highlight, being in the center front, I've never had my stomach been so squashed against the stage, an epic thrash for survival. Mosh pits, left right and centre proves Skaters know how to get the crowd going. But they did turn to more slashing around then actually getting their music across in some instances, for example in 'Deadbolt" the echoey vocals on record came hard to match up to live, being more of a mumble. Obviously they had loads of girls going, especially the frantic second row ( behind me) Skaters however, did manage to finish of the show in an uproar, beer smothered as I was, the adrenaline was high waiting upon tonights headliners.

After approximately 18 weeks of hard waiting since Glastonbury, the time to witness an epic
thrall of sweat, riffs and rock your socks off attitude has arrived. Looking closely into the small church door to the left of the stage, everyone is trying to catch a slight glimpse of either red, curly hair or Lindsey's denim hotpants. Around 10 minutes later both emerge out of the darkness greeted by screams, whistles, the lot. Before anyone has time to start yelling out to them , the duo break out into ' Raw Material' as an opener, the fierce riff of Lindsey and Julie's splitting beats  writes of what tonights atmosphere is exactly going to be like, righteous, rammed, chaos. Perhaps a perfect choice for 2nd on the playlist, with the vibe of the opening continuing to lead the crowd onto yelling the anthemic tune of 'Gonna Make My Own Money' without a word is blasted out. Looking back at the videos made last night, at the climax of this track when Lindsey screeches whilst in chorus of 'Gonna buy my own Land!' she then perched on the edge of the stage riffing practically in my face.

The pair also thankfully included 2 out of 3 bonus tracks on their deluxe album only, with the ferocity of 'Ain't Fair' and bitter 'Drought' It's always been destined to discover why these tracks didn't make the original. After getting bears thrown on the stage as a kind offering 'Bad For My Body' was literally a sing a long, with the entire crowd committing the same motive. 'Creeplife' as quoted as one of their favourites to play live was obvious, the 'huh's' throughout made it a neck strainer for the crowd and after constantly being shoved

in the face by a giant thumb with 'kiss me' on it, the wish was soon granted to one fangirl who was possibly stoked even more than the front row. The Great thing is that neither Julie or Lindsey look ever in doubt, the most confident gig I've experienced in a long while, Lindsey even accepted some cider from the crowd whilst both mentioned how much the turn out and tour meant to them-with the addition of the cider.

Next up was 'Woman of Intention' proving to be right on par with the recoded version of feminist fanatics followed by drenched whisky blues of 'Six Feet Under', once again got Lindsey on tipping point of the stage, everyone desperate to pull her into a crowd surf. As soon as the definitive sound of 'Lies' was amped out, it was clear that we wouldn't have to wait long, Julie's time to shine really came through at this point too, whist Lindsey was surfing over me and many others , I was surprised that the drum kit was standing with the increasing beats as Lindsey drew back near to the stage. It was just the right call at
the end of the drum solo to announce 'It's nice to have a good time and not feel bad about it' and already me and some other groupies were screaming Walk Of Shame!!! Obviously it so happened to blast out the amp. This tune, unregrettably one of the highlights of 'Sistrionix' was irrefutably and indefinitely the highlight of all. Everyone realised how this was going to go down, mentally and physically, the raw energy picked up on every twang, beat and snarl, for me definitely and probably the crowd was 'rock heaven' . I only ask how did they structure their playlist so well? No one got a chance to stop as 'End of The World' was next, the electrifying strum and beats through each verse combined with the solo made it a close match to their previous tune. For a 30 second interval, me being gullible I thought they'd ended on that note. Course not. 'Your Love' made the return of gratitude to the fans and clearly everyone knew the finale as seen at most previous gigs. Usually I'd feel sad on the last song, there's no time for sad though, it's 'Baby I Call Hell' with one last headbang of the crowd nothing filled the atmosphere except the sense of bringing Bristol to its knees.

Afterwards, being desperate to get to the merch store I headed over, Deap Vally amazingly joined in too, signing every album, ticket, phone and shoe around, I need not tell you this happens at all gigs, after having a few photos and with both band members and talked to  Lindsey's parents ( v.nice) I talked to both Lindsey and Julie about being an inspiration e.t.c,  after seeing them twice, I'm not sure if I'd of ever of picked up a guitar if otherwise... No doubt Deap Vally are going to be huge one day, but everyone in that church last night appreciated that we could see them at such an intimate, intense level, one that I hope will last.

Mr and Mrs Troy

My Moment of Fame :D

Photos courtesy of Justin Cooper.
