Global Scenes For Music

Ever wondered what's going on past the bracket of your own town? Fair enough if you live in a city, but that's no excuse not to check out the international scale of raw talent upcoming perhaps into a strong focus. Down the road or down to the airport- each scene is a must to discover.

Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.

Quit your first visual impressions if you've never laid a foot in Nashville. Forget the rope lassos and cowboy booted cults. Don't bother with white lace vested rednecks. Nashville is not to be mistaken for raw gritty accents, more of defining what a pure music scene is and will be. 

Once upon a time Nashville was home to Country and Western, Rock was a rare commodity in the town. However within the early 2000's bands such as Kings of Leon and Be Your Own Pet started to submerge from their home roots and initially kick started the process. Perhaps a slight rebellion to the western music tradition, but literally the town as a whole is moving in this direction, not to say that western is still a huge part of society, but that's the thing about Nashville, it's not competitive or intense, the whole community appreciate its development and the same time as sticking to its roots.  Nashville's eastern side too, is supposed to be the hub of new bands, record stores and venues and, is proven to have the highest density of these in the world. Even common houses  and pubs round town are known as the most popular venues. Perhaps its the density of raw music within such small mileage that make Nashville so addictive for upcoming bands and record companies.

Already on my Radar for 2013 are Diarrhea Planet ( don't be put of), a southern 6 piece who mix between punk, hard rock and slight metal. Previous live shows have proven them to be a complete reckless, noisy mess, but a very good one. Tunes such as 'Ice Age' scream out punk with a blend of past time 80's guitar, contrasted to 'fuck it' self doubtfulness of 'Fauser'.  Also check out The Ettes, predominately Garage rock,  electrifying guitar band Torres and southern indie The Features.

Brighton, East Sussex, UK

' Absolutely Fabulous' with a hand-flick is no way to describe this city. Don't be mistaken by Brighton, its cheesed up tourist reputation is no match for the tunes coming out of the seaside haven.

 Anyway if you do visit, the seafront is the last direction you'll want to be heading, in fact head the opposite direction to around the North Laines or even spread further a field. Of course Brighton's no Nashville exactly but it is in extreme development of the next band base.Not to say that Brighton has its fair share already, The Kooks, Bat for Lashes, Fatboy Slim and indie icons The Maccabees have all originated from here, varying indefinitely from each other, the same trend falls throughout the town; you never know what your'e gonna find.  Take for instance the new threesome of The Wytches, heavy surf- like psych rock which has already been drawing glances from all directions, that of NME too. Being signed to Hate Hate Hate records ( Florence Welch's manager being the co founder) high expectations for 2014 are expected considering their recording of a debut album this month. However, a huge underground scene lies within Brighton too, venues such as Concorde are among the favorites but the best place to head are places you'd least expect, pubs, underground clubs and basically even a quirky looking shop could be where you discover raw, live music. If you're more into bigger gigs e.t.c Brighton has at least a dozen of festivals during the summer including The Great Escape, Shakedown Festival, SD2 Festival and Gentleman Of The Road. 

Boston + Massachusetts, U.S.A 

What may seem a largely college and residential based city, Boston is far ahead of most DIY scenes globally, as proved recently to be the most upcoming inspiration for bands don't think the the state of Massachusetts is one to miss whilst on the road.

Although Boston's music scene has seen difficulty recently with Police forces seeming insistent to shut down even the smallest of venues, it has made bands more determined to grow even larger identities within the city. Dozens of record labels stream through the state too, Exploding In Sound, Feeding Tube and other larger labels are helping smaller local ones help promote gigs and venues to be known nationally, being a small area it seems a whole community is built out of the music, they all help each other. The scene is predominately underground indie and rock, not to say that you can't find a bit of noise and even pop around. You could say alike Nashville, (both very different scenes) yet there's not much rivalry, just a demand for more bands, more artists, but most of all more diverse ones too. Bigger names are Krill, another trio with a calmer vibe, California X however are full amped rock, quite thrashy in some places but its more then ligitimate, 'Pond Rot' is as original as it gets, being full of masterfull riffs and 'i wanna pond your rot in' I'm really suprised this hasn't picked up more attention ( all praise Soundcloud) .
However  they turn on a slightly more punk vibe in 'Sucker' being a monstrous, guitar slash-filled anthem. Feminist punk band Potty Mouth are amongst my favorites with new album Hell Bent, 'Shithead' and 'Rusted Shut' prove every bit that their gobbiness could meet up with the likes of other future feminist aspiring bands like Savages. Previous reputations of Massachusetts make it all the more inspiring  to challenge bands, even slow growing, being noticed or unnoticed the music never stops. Watch this space. 
Potty Mouth--click here
California X-- click here

Denmark Street, London, UK

Just off the back end of Tottenham Court Road, It's an easy one 
to miss. But never has such a tiny street been so significant in the past, 
present and future of music.

Ok, different from the others mainly as it's only 150 meters long. But fear not, Denmark Street is the road of rock. Only visiting for the first time on Tuesday I reckon there's round about 8 guitar shops, each one crawling with hidden cellars e.t.c where usually bands just go to hang out, you walk in to any 8 of the shops and they just set up live for a while whilst playing a few tunes,  its informal, but that's the great thing about it,
where ever you happen to walk into there's always some kind of raw vibe. 12 Bar Club features anything from indie to hardcore punk. 
The Rolling Stones recorded their first ever album in Regent Sound Studios as well as Jimi Hendrix, sessions with The Sex Pistols and Purchases from Thin Lizzy all feature in the History of Denmark Street. It's a must for rock addicts and those looking to be in a band, just through from Hanks Guitar shop is a boulevard of band ads, old graffiti and rock quotes. Go check it out.
