The Start of BackstageOnly.

Reporting news is a skill attempted by millions. Each niche of journalism can expose the diverse; the previous blog 'Amp It Up Now' has been running since 2013, presenting the wide ranging talent of artists and bands who made it seem that the world was on tipping point of revolution into a happier place for us all. For the past year away from the site, the Stellafonix show on 99.6 Frome FM has been broadcasting from where AmpItUpNow left off, and taking it much further. However, these artists will not just fade away if they truly mean what they are saying. It is an element of our culture that stays persistent, seizes to disappoint and challenges our everyday lives, helping us to question and debate the way we coexist with each other. 

BackstageOnly's Stella Cooper
Therefore, the decision to report on other subjects which come to attention can be delayed no more. Now as a journalism student, a lengthy Facebook post or 'tweet' on current affairs is simply not satisfying enough for reader or writer. Social media has its advantages of being able to tailor your angle as a journalist, sharing links and footage instantly to hundreds of users. So why use a blog? the access of networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook specifically, provides a platform for anyone who even touches a screen to be a journalist. This is invaluable for the freedom of the new press, the common people. Often, it allows our tweets, statuses and shares to be just as informative as an article from a long running newspaper or magazine. Word limits keep our stories concise and legible for all, the ability to add a photo or video within the composition of a post adds more news value. 

But the issue? now a swamp of hugely partisan and often personal material engulfs us. Arguably a blog has identical problems to discuss world affairs, however as a writer it's become almost toxic to voice an opinion on a public forum. It is more likely that your writing will loose value and respect. 

The current state of UK media has distracted me to listen beyond what musicians and their fans have to say. Being now an undergraduate and based in the capital, it's no longer necessary to travel miles to find a story. Social media for anyone who has lived rurally is a survival necessity but once removed, you will feel hyper-exposed to each sound and sight of an urban landscape, away from just a screen to gather information. As a writer this could make the material more sensitive and perhaps over-aware, yet I hope it will bring some interesting reads that help you learn about off-the-radar experiences. There are elements from 'Amp It Up Now' to be kept, the power of live music shall continue to be reported in a more direct and engaging style. You may find the underbelly of a local diverse music genre one one page and the next, a report from a social issue 2000 miles away. BackstageOnly aims to promote these stories and add a coherent comment on their significance. 

Presenting stories from on-the-street opinions and commenting on those events that do not have enough recognition due to the 'instant' nature of network sites is also a priority, the abundance of detail in online media is critical. There is negligence from mainstream media to comment on events that would diversify their headlines and generally make their audiences more culturally aware. Political alignment has dominated the way we consume news especially in the wake of recent elections and international relations. From my own experience of speaking with those who want to change the way we listen, it is necessary to use first hand sources as much as possible and provide a measured comment on stories which reveal our unreported world. 
